Saturday, May 16, 2015

Small Miracles

There are times when I feel drawn outside. When this call is followed little surprises wait. And if I grab my camera...sometimes I have the happy chance to record what is waiting.

I've been watching the side of the house for weeks now. I wash my dishes and stare out the window. Chickadees built a nest in a hole drilled by a Red Headed Woodpeckers. I've never really understood how dedicated birds are to finding and delivering food. I found a myself uttering small prayers for the life of the food gatherer. They land on the apple tree or the lilac just outside the nest, perched with the latest food find. They deliver and race out yet again.

This last week there have been many peeps form the wall as I walk by on my way to the front door. Today I felt that particular summons and went out to see a tiny head poking out of the hole. I have not seen the babies looking out before. It sat there for some time. I wondered at the miracle of the first flight. Never done before, into a world it has not seen. What inspiration! I noticed one of the parents in the apple tree for a moment. The fledgling peeped a bit, looked around, and then popped itself to the edge of the hole and flew to the rooftop before moving again to the branches of a nearby oak where it sat and peeped. A few minutes later I heard one of the parents join it in the invisible shadowy places behind foliage. I watched the wall for some time and never saw the parents return to the hole. Is it that simple? Maiden flight, off and running?

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